Tire-Cord and Technical Textiles dipping Machine

Double –heating Zone Unit, quick cooling system, 25 m high, fully automated, 3T processes (Time, Tension and Temperature). Double –heating Zone Unit, quick cooling system, 25 m high, fully automated, 3T processes (Time, Tension and Temperature).Automated Temperature control systems, dual Tension controlled zones, simple bath. Ready to Tire Cord fabric, Conveyor Belt fabric (EP, EE, PP) and other Technical Fabrics that require rubber adhesion.

Dipping Machine for Chafers fabrics and Conveyors Belt up to 2.50 m over wide.

Double heating zones machine vertical and horizontal furnaces with automated temperature control systems individual process area. We process EP, EE, PP conveyor belt fabrics in all versions with widths of up to 2.5 m finished.Chafer horizontal heat oven equipped with clamps and ultrasonic system for cutting and sealing fabric sides.

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